pempek is genuine Indonesian meals, this meals will be stated to be not too well-known on this planet, nevertheless it feels excellent, you would possibly need to attempt making it at residence. I really like this tip how one can make it,
- 500g contemporary fish meat
- 500g flour
- four eggs
- Spoon half flavoring
- 75cc water
- 100g dried shrimp 250cc scorching water
- 500 g moist noodle
- 2l of water
- 50g glass noodles
- 2 cucumbers
manner of creating:
Combine fish meat that has been milled to flour, salt, and flavorings, stir till easy, pouring slightly water, till the flour may be shaped and doesn't stick in hand, if you're carried out, put in water that has been heated,
then take away and drain, then fry till browned. then serve with moist noodles and glass noodles. cucumbers and decorative items to style